collected linkage

Friday, April 27, 2007


...graffiti style.
(NSFW site, SFW link)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Westboro Baptist Church; Pitching a Song to Slayer

god hates the world!
and all her people!
to be honest, i don't think they'll be into it.
it's not scary at all.

i'm sure they had fun making it, though.
everyone i know loves a bit of cathartic expression of their unjustified hatred, and i'm sure these dullwitted fools are no different.

i am curious how they square the 'god hates the world' message with that whole 'god is love' thing, but hey, fuck it.
i have two leather belts and i'm vegetarian.
we can't all be perfect, can we?
i mean, come on.
if we needed these spiritually bereft morons to actually understand their saviour's message before ramming it down our throats then we'd have missed out on this classic track, and all those lovely sermons they broadcast.

i wonder if they'll get into terrorizer?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

playing feminist bingo

this is a bingo card.
have a look at the squares, familiarise yourself with their content, and then go over and play on the comments of this news story.

i was reading the story because it was in my google alerts for local news.
i wasn't reading it to suggest the web play feminist bingo.
i'm giving you the card first because i think it might be more fun than just reading the total bollocks from some of these tools.
god knows you can get enough of reading stupid shit written by tools.

some of the comments also put me in mind of my new friend morchades' words, words i loved when i read them.

When I mention the wolf in my front yard, please don't pop in to tell me the tiger in the next town is worse.
Yes, I know tigers are vicious.
Yes, I know tigers are bigger than wolves.
Yes, I know tigers are faster than wolves.
Yes, I know tigers are stronger than wolves.
Yes, I know the tiger was last seen traveling in my direction.
None of this changes the fact there is a fucking wolf in my fucking front yard.
I'm going to worry about that first, thank you.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

what's ms. dynamite been up to?

looks like she's been spending her time well.

jesus christ!

if that isn't enough for you, then yes, you can find out more.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

do you protest?

“Listen, here’s the thing about politics: It’s not an expression of your moral purity and your ethics and your probity and your fond dreams of some utopian future. Progressive people constantly fail to get this.”
--Tony Kushner
i'd have said it without the word progressive, but hey.
people like Tony like to express their moral purity and and their ethics by defining themselves against people's approach to politics as much as people, perhaps more often 'progressives', like to define themselves against other people's politics.

thanks to livejournal and zoje george for the quote.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

bedlam and the weege

extra! extra!
glasgow twinned with birthplace of the christ!
The two cities had signed a friendship agreement in 1990 which reflected circumstances in Palestinian areas at that time. Now, the council have voted to formalise its current links into a full town twinning. Baillie Devine said: "Glasgow and Bethlehem have a friendship going back many years. This agreement will deepen and strengthen those links."

Thursday, April 12, 2007

work that wii!

wee wii weegie workout...

love and hate and the hop

there was once a thread, over on barbelith.
that thread began primarily about the false dichotomy between the underground and pop-hop camps, or myth of 'underground' hip-hop's creative and ideological superiority to 'hip-pop', but it went a few directions; it became about double standards, perceptions of misogyny, and some folks' distaste with the over-bling and super-sexing they perceive in modern hip hop.

zuky seems to be on the same tack at the moment, having a look at some of the shit talked around this subject, the subject of mainstream hip hop.

memo to white folks and the mass media

byron hurt - misogyny in hip hop

one post contains a video, and the other contains venn diagrams.
what's not to like?
also of interest is this PDF about 'detours', found on zuky's comments.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

post hoc ergo propter hoc

it's latin.

it refers to a fallacy:
occurred, then B occurred.
Therefore, A caused B.

one of the more common mistakes made by the easily satisfied, myself and all you other talking monkeys included.


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