collected linkage

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

steam punk plane

from the ukraine.
inlcudes steam punk transformer images further down.

(also found via boingboing)

Monday, November 27, 2006

hard landing

are they insane?

(found via boing boing)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

how hubble killed god...

those specks you see are not stars, they’re other galaxies

Saturday, November 25, 2006

don't trust the corporate media

FAIR - fairness and accracy in reporting

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"saying 'only a word' is a bit like saying, hey... its only a nuclear warhead"

war of words:
"Feminism"; "Slut"; "Bitch": all powerful words evoking strong (mostly negative) reactions. Should we reclaim tainted words, or drop them for something less provocative? Kate Townshend discusses this question, and explains why the language we use to define ourselves - and allow others to use to define us - is still important to the feminist cause.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

the real jesus forgives your jesus

get the t-shirt!
(found via betty bowers, america's best christian)

watching strippers is free speech?

‘You don’t have to work here, lots of girls will be happy to take a finger up the ass for what you’re getting paid.’

Saturday, November 18, 2006

USB batteries

like i said.
USB batteries.

Friday, November 17, 2006

all about whitney

that's whitney biennial.
whitney biennial dot com rather than the other whitney biennial.
'rather than' but also 'inexorably intertwined with'...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Simply put, the great "PC" cliché, as commonly deployed in mainstream discourse, is cultural propaganda designed to befuddle and misdirect while defending the current power structure. All politics deal with power relations, and in the debate over America's alleged climate of "political correctness", there's a stark asymmetry of power between the defiant megaphone-wielders who complain of being constrained by humorless hypersensitivity from below, and the under-represented people of color, women, LGBT, handicapped, poor, and otherwise marginalized or dispossessed people who have no choice but to absorb the linguistic, cultural, and physical barbs of the ruling class. The former feel psycho-emotionally oppressed by their inability to crack puerile ethnic jokes without criticism; the latter simply are oppressed.

found via barbelith, originally from here.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

i only just found this...

children’s lingerie?

word jazz

ken nordine.

what a voice. what a wonderer.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

did the KLF invent pete doherty?

"think about how truly absurd and drug-addled doherty seems to be, and ask yourself: how could this man still be alive?"

Monday, November 06, 2006

kaoklai kaennorsing

kaoklai is not someone you could easily fuck with.
watch him get out the way and how quickly he takes the fight straight to his opponents.
check out the big guy about four minutes in, if nothing else.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

nonstop music?

follow me.
you'll need a soldering iron.


to the top!

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