collected linkage

Thursday, June 30, 2005

i'm reminded of ace ventura....

putin on the rob

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

holy funt.

i found a few things while wandering...
one of the best ones was
you can send yourself an email at some point in the future.
i reckon it might be a good way to deal with that whole 'has it really been that long?' feeling where time creeps up on you and you suddenly realise you've been a dick about getting shit done.
this way i can be reminded as often as i like and reminded by myself from the past so i dont get all pissy and tell you to mind your own business.
but wait!
there was more.
loads more.

ascii matrix? are you shitting me?

child abuse?
defer to the experts.

struggling with the concept of the g8?
mtv has you.

try to avoid cliché like the plague.

destroy the internet!
one site at a time!

a picture of EVERYTHING.
that's right.

interesting motherfuckers

google backwards

trippin out with the boohbahs...


and finally..

The Memory Hole

i'm glad that when there's a need someone often steps up to fill it.
in our media created reality, the stories that become warped and buried to create a reality deemed more appropriate by these censorious powers need, to my mind, to be kept.
that article from time where george bush senior gives reasons for not invading iraq?
the one that was yanked so as not to let us see quite how relevant many of those reasons still were in his heir's time?
russ kick kept it, and slapped it on his site.
read george "i coulda saved the whole world a whole lotta trouble if only i was sterile" bush's article here.
or when bush jr. lied about the contents of a document and MSNBC covered his 'misstatement', only to yank it soon after?
guess what.
you can read it despite those yanking wankers.
there's also some stuff that doesnt even get as far as being covered by the mass media gets put in the memory hole.
like this denial of any al qaeda link to sadaam from the mouth of the moron.

i find most of it interesting. however, prolly the most famous addition to his site would be the pictures of american war dead that exploded across the internet as soon as he obtained them.

in a world of shifting interpretations of truth, thank fuck for the memory hole.

minor threat

minor threat are one of the best fuckin memories from my childhood.
they are hard as fuck hardcore without having to be ass-fuck heavy, and they make me smile every time i listen to them.
i dont think i know anyone who hasnt beeen touched by them, and their songs are a 'show em who you are' cover version staple.

dischord and the whole scene that exploded around them still excites me when i think about it, and the bands are still ones i listen to.
no, not just fugazi.
but yeah, fugazi too.

so when i saw this...
there was no need.
there was no fuckin permission either.
i cant imangine ian and nike sharing a poster happily, and it seems neither could nike.
so they just went and stole.

fucking cunts.
penetrating the punk demographic?
i hope they fucking choke on us.

(some minor threat photos for you. unless you're one of these cunts.)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I fucking love lego.

and i love the bible too.

Eric gets emotional

i completely forgot about eric.
it's been maybe six months since i saw his lovely face.
too long, i reckon.
there's no excuse for it.
out of sight bacame out of mind all too easily.
it was as though we had never shared a bond.
he and i go way back, y'know.
like, at least a year.
he doesnt strictly speaking know about it, but i dont feel that should be a barrier to our love.

he pulls some of the best facials in the industry and y'know? when he gets emotional i feel like maybe he's doing it for all of us.
sure, especially for me.
but then i've been out of touch for so long, i wonder if i can really say that any more.

respect is overdue.


Monday, June 27, 2005

Guantanamo ebay!

someone had to, i guess.

Euan Blair to follow in father's footsteps kissing republican american arse for very little compensation.

'wee sacks' blair is gonna be an intern.
in washington.
on a republican committee.
one brought together by the governator
and run by david dreier.
or, alternatively, david dreier.

its not the first time we've seen him being an idiot, sure.
the difference is last time i would have defended his behaviour.

thanks to sizemore for the first peek at this story.

(more blair-child bollocks)

Richard Whitely RIP

the inevitable pain of a monday morning was brought into sharp relief today as i picked up my copy of the metro.
almost the entire front page was taken up by the headline "Carol devastated as Whitely dies" and a picture of them together. as one of his greatest friends you can understand how this will hit her badly, but i was a little dissapointed that in death he gets second billing. (hence my linkng to more appropriate headline)
mr. whitely has been on our telly for so long it was almost as though he couldnt die.
it was hard to believe that he was actually 61 years old, despite him opening channel four for us all some 23 years ago. 61 is not that old but i would have guessed his age somewhere closer to fifty.

richard whitely.


i for one will miss the ole geezer.


if you too miss him, maybe you should buy a book.

Himoff! The Memoirs of a TV Matinee Idle

"Countdown" Bumper Puzzle Book
"Countdown" Puzzle Book: No.2
"Countdown" Puzzle Book: No. 3
"Countdown" Puzzle Book: No.4


Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Sunday, June 26, 2005

And while we're on the subject of language and consciousness...

The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore is another book that shaped much of my thinking on humanity's early years.
she too has a shot at explaining how we came to speak and, with that, how to think more and more complex ideas.
and yes. she has a silly haircut.

Justifying My Hallucinations

having just learned how to use an amazon link, i thought i might share with you one of the greatest books i have ever read.
it changed my outlook on a lot of things and stopped me abusing my body with various substances at a time when i was 'experimenting' an awful lot with those sorts of things.
i'm not saying it stopped me dabbling, but my relationship with substances both natuaral and man made became more healthy.

that book was terrence mckenna's Food of the Gods.
i can't overstate how powerful this book felt to me. i felt it was so well written i have bought it twice since reading it to share it with other people.
if you have ever had any concept of why people do drugs or take hallucinogenic sacrament, then this book will certainly inform your opinion.
he also manages to put forward an hypothesis to explain the origin of language, itself an integral part of our journey towards consciousness.

just read it already!

Phillip Morris is no longer


What do multinational corporations do once their dirty record gets around and people start seeing them for what they are?
They change their names, of course.

Drug Dealing Fun for the Feart

be a drug dealer!
in total safety!

Drugs and the Web

spiders fed on flies laced with narcotics produce interesting and varied webs.






The Smallest Website in the World...EVER.

holy crap.
why, god?


but on the other hand, i'm richer than 5,352,807,244 people.
it seems clear that i was gonna be in the top few for wealth just by dint of my nationality but i had no idea how high up.

i earn a shitty wage and still i make the top ten percent.

where are you on the rich list?

kinda makes you wanna help make poverty history...
especially seeing as the whole damn world is gonna outsource the shit out of all the 'western' economies real damn soon.
it seems to me like i dont really want my shitty wage job as much as those dudes around the globe making shoes for pennies, and maybe i should think about that.

I think the internet is trying to tell me something...

recently i have been thinking serious thoughts about serious things.
i need to get myself out of the underpaid rut i have so far settled in, to get myself moving fast enough that i can hit my death running.
i don't want to be 65 and crying over what could have been.
i'm sure nobody does, but the realisation only really hit me properly recently.
so, yeah.
googling today i found me some impetus.

what have you achieved?
right here's a list of all the things other people have done by your age.

orson welles had already made citizen kane.
joseph smith had already founded the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.
roger bannister had already run his four minute mile.

best get a move on, eh?
i haven't even started thinking about what religion i'm going to inve... discover.
with a name like mine you'd think that would be high on the agenda.

well, you know what they say.
time to eat that frog.

Friday, June 24, 2005

guess the google!

if you are at all like me, you find the google image search fascinating.
throwing words at it to see what weird and wonderful things crop up can be endless hours of fun, and now someone has made it EVEN MORE FUN.

tewnty images make up a montage.
all you have to do is Guess-the-Google.

dont blame me if you dont get any work done.

Robots in Disguise

i like transformers.
so do you.

right click>save target as

(its not on my site. dont steal bandwidth.)

American Timeline

while surfing with stumbleupon i came across a shockwave timeline of american intervention.

"America was founded by revolutionary ideals; the rejection of tyranny, the embrace of equality, and the protection of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". but two hundred years later, what is the promise of america?
this is an archive of 163 us interventions, a multi-faceted catalogue of coups, humanitarian incursions, covert actions, proxy armies, freedomfighters/terrorists and multilateral offensives. out of this legacy, a complex picture emerges.

the slider is an interesting visual aid and contains facts of which i was not aware.

This Would Be Post One...

so lets not get too mental, eh?

enter Dude Falling Down.
there really isnt much to say about Dude Falling Down that you wont figure out from the name.
watch it!


to the top!

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