having just learned how to use an amazon link, i thought i might share with you one of the greatest books i have ever read.
it changed my outlook on a lot of things and stopped me abusing my body with various substances at a time when i was 'experimenting' an awful lot with those sorts of things.
i'm not saying it stopped me dabbling, but my relationship with substances both natuaral and man made became more healthy.
that book was terrence mckenna's
Food of the Gods
i can't overstate how powerful this book felt to me. i felt it was so well written i have bought it twice since reading it to share it with other people.
if you have ever had any concept of why people do drugs or take hallucinogenic sacrament, then this book will certainly inform your opinion.
he also manages to put forward an hypothesis to explain the origin of language, itself an integral part of our journey towards consciousness.
just read it already!