collected linkage

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

raped, and then sent to prison

i can't really figure out how to write about this.
a woman was raped and, when she reported it, was thrown in handcuffs and arrested. the four year old warrant she was arrested for turned out to be a paperwork error and a juvenile offence, and yet considered so much more important than her rape that she was thrown in jail for the next two days.
despite being prescribed it at hospital, she was denied the emergency contraception pill because the medical supervisor at the jail said that doing so was against her religion.

i'm sorry, but what the FUCK?

from the article:

"They were more interested in prosecuting her for something that's a paperwork snafu from four years ago, that was juvenile. They were more interested in working on that than finding an experienced rapist," stated the victim's mother.

"The medical supervisor would not allow her to take the pill because she said it was against her, the supervisor's, religion. So, here we have a medical supervisor imposing her beliefs on a rape victim," claimed the victim's attorney Virlyn Moore. "As a human being, how someone could be so violated by this monster and then the system comes along and rapes her again psychologically and emotionally - it's outrageous and unconscionable."


foot tongue!

Friday, January 26, 2007

young republicans want to help!

the unapolagetic mexican Vs passionate max

mel gibson's new film.
i know; woop dee doo.
while the papers have featured articles about separating criticism of the artist from a critique of the art, i have been a little wary of putting money into mel 'the jews!' gibson's pocket.
something about rewarding failure just sits wrong with me, and hateful failure only more so.

but hey, what about apocalypto? maybe it's actually really good!
oh, sure. and maybe riggs isnt a raving nutbar with religious beliefs that go all the way up to 'crazy like a phelps'.

thank god for nezua, for saving me the ticket money.
i owe you a beer.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

one nation under god

let's wage civil war on atheism!

Monday, January 22, 2007

terms a modern clever might need

the must-knows, according to sentient developments.

(found via linkmachinego)

what not to wear....


i'm with londonist- we need to be a bit more specific if we're going to start telling people what t-shirts they can and cannot wear on public transport. i reckon the in flight movie is more likely to cause offence or distress than the graphic on somene's chest.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

i'm not a racist!

ah, jade.
i hope your career is now in tatters, and i hope your comrades find theirs just as dead.

just because you say you arent a racist doesnt mean you arent. even if it were sane to trust your judgement in this, just because you arent 'A Racist', card carrying and proud, doesnt mean you werent engaged in racism.
you halfwit.
that goes for jade's boyfriend jack, jo from s-club and danielle from... uh.. where are you from again?

was anybody else reminded of litle britain by her eviction interview? despite the scripting and coaching clearly showing through, she still managed to0 make no sense, sounding more like vicky pollard's 'yeahbutnoyeahbutnobutter' than anything else.

i've never liked jade all that much, but now that she has shown herself to be a bully, again, i think we can safely throw her and her hideous family on the pop culture scrapheap.
she should lose her job, and so should all the rest of the bigots and bullies on our airwaves.

Are you racist?
Are you as dumb as Jade?

Friday, January 19, 2007

long time no post...

january has been empty and sullen, and has given me nothing but the desire for it to be february as soon as possible.
sunday is basement breaks, so it isnt all bad.

but hey.
when all the world conspires to make you feel like shit, there's always someone you can laugh at, someone you can derive bounteous self esteem by merely observing.

to that end, i feel everyone should pep up their wintery week by watching jade goody's impending eviction from the BB house.
i havnet watched single episode of the show yet, but i'm tuning in for sure tonight.

nazi bulletin board stormfront have mounted a campaign on digital spy to get shilpa ousetd in favour of their aryan princess jade. they seem to have missed that jade is mixed race herself. nice one, whitey!
(i'm not linking to the white power freaks. if you really want you can google the name.)
if the car crash isnt already sucking you in, you might want to have a read of the forums, where some of the undereducated '14 words' crowd have had a go at defending the cadre of craven cretins currently in the BB house, and where some have even suggested that her children be fed to ian huntley.
the site's admin is trying hir best to defend the girl, but i think ze's all but on hir own.
if you need more reasons(and honestly, why would you?) i should point out that paul dannan and noel edmonds are also putting in some keyboard time over there.

hideous, sure.
but hilarious too.

if the site seems down, try again in a minute.
the increase in traffic has all but crippled them.


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