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Friday, January 19, 2007

long time no post...

january has been empty and sullen, and has given me nothing but the desire for it to be february as soon as possible.
sunday is basement breaks, so it isnt all bad.

but hey.
when all the world conspires to make you feel like shit, there's always someone you can laugh at, someone you can derive bounteous self esteem by merely observing.

to that end, i feel everyone should pep up their wintery week by watching jade goody's impending eviction from the BB house.
i havnet watched single episode of the show yet, but i'm tuning in for sure tonight.

nazi bulletin board stormfront have mounted a campaign on digital spy to get shilpa ousetd in favour of their aryan princess jade. they seem to have missed that jade is mixed race herself. nice one, whitey!
(i'm not linking to the white power freaks. if you really want you can google the name.)
if the car crash isnt already sucking you in, you might want to have a read of the forums, where some of the undereducated '14 words' crowd have had a go at defending the cadre of craven cretins currently in the BB house, and where some have even suggested that her children be fed to ian huntley.
the site's admin is trying hir best to defend the girl, but i think ze's all but on hir own.
if you need more reasons(and honestly, why would you?) i should point out that paul dannan and noel edmonds are also putting in some keyboard time over there.

hideous, sure.
but hilarious too.

if the site seems down, try again in a minute.
the increase in traffic has all but crippled them.


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