collected linkage

Sunday, December 31, 2006

dancing hitler!

Jesus H. B3ta!
if he can dance, you can dance.

happy hogmanay to all.
now go kick some ass.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

low-res film libary action

i've been watching the situationist international documentary, but they have loads of great stuff.
there's a whole gaggle of science documentaries over here as well, including dawkins' movie about the god delusion.

like sex!

only not.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

are you up to the blasphemy challenge?

and all they want is your soul!
damn yourself to hell by renouncing the holy spirit on you tube and get a free DVD!

some terrorists get all the torture

Unlike alleged al-Qaida terrorist Jose Padilla, right-wing "dirty bomber" Demetrius Crocker was investigated and prosecuted the old-fashioned constitutional way.

He had made a version of Zyklon B, the gas used in the gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps, and he accurately described its manufacture. He had made nitroglycerin. He had the ingredients for a rudimentary bomb in his home, where he also kept several guns he told Burroughs he would use to kill any government agent sent to capture him.

why do nazi terrorists get an easier ride than muslims?
can anyone tell me that?

there was another nazi terrorist, this time in britain, and he hasnt even made it to the papers yet. at the time it was suggested tha there was a DA notice, or that it was being kept from the front page until the trial. there isnt a restriction on reporting it, otherwise the few places it has been mentioned so far(new statesman, guardian diary, the local pendle paper site) wouldnt have been able to mention it.

so what's the excuse?
i'm as worried about nazis as i am about al quaeda(perhaps more so, as i have actually met BNP members), and i wonder why the mainstream press isnt as well.

winning hearts and minds...

...through automated cold calling.

just when current strategy in iraq seemed the most ridiculous collection of tactics for winning the aforementioned, along comes another string to the coallition of the shilling's already overstrung bow of incompetent ideas.

Not long after Republicans harrassed tens of thousands of Americans with automated phone messages in November's election, news comes that the robo call, that staple of American democracy, is being deployed in Iraq. And it's literally terrorizing city residents.Nir Rosen of the new blog Iraqslogger reports, calling it a "mysterious psychological operations campaign," that Baghdad residents have reported "receiving phone calls that the caller ID shows to be originating from outside Iraq." What follows is a "recorded message from an anonymous man speaking formal Arabic" who goes on to condemn the Mahdi Army, the Shiite militia headed by the powerful cleric Muqtada al Sadr that's been a continual thorn in the U.S.'s side.

apprently some fear that recieving the calls will mark them out as anti-mahdi, having little or no experience of automated services like this and fearing their calls are being monitored.
the calls come from an untraceable number, and are, to my mind, as likely to spread distrust of al Sadr as cold calling is to sell me a timsehare.

either these are some really stupid people, or they arent trying to discredit al Sadr at all. it seems horrible to wish for it, but i hope to heck they are just idiots.
the alternative is too hideous to contemplate.

Monday, December 18, 2006

i missed it last time round

...but luckily ©opyleft are playing again, and this time for free.
haste ye to the halt bar, hip hoppers!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

spell or die!

your keyboard is a weapon.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

humming search engine

ever had a tune stuck in your head that you can't identify?
try the humming search.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

it's a little premature, but...

merry christmas!

Monday, December 11, 2006

fun with fake people

i wish i had a steady supply of these plastic people.
(the same site also has some pretty cool pictures of low rider customs)

the god helmet

mentioned in some of the threads i mentioned earlier, the god helmet is availble for purchase. they call it a shakti helmet, after the hindu concept of force, or 'active' divine energy.

it offers a recreation of the revelation experience at the flick of a switch:

"Dr Persinger has designed a helmet that produces a very weak rotating magnetic field of between ten nanotesla and one microtesla over the temporal lobes of the brain. This is placed on the subject's head and they are placed in a quiet chamber while blindfolded. So that there is no risk of 'suggestion', the only information that the subjects are given is that they are going in for a relaxation experiment. Neither the subject nor the experimenter carrying out the test has any idea of the true purpose of the experiment. In addition to this, the experiment is also run with the field switched both off and on. This procedure Dr Persinger claims will induce an experience in over 80% of test subjects."

Saturday, December 09, 2006

brooker on intelligent design

Creationists reject Darwin's theory of evolution on the grounds that it is "just a theory". This is a valid criticism: evolution is indeed merely "a theory", albeit one with ten billion times more credence than the theory of creationism - although, to be fair, the theory of creationism is more than just a theory. It's also a fairy story. And children love fairy stories, which is presumably why so many creationists are keen to have their whimsical gibberish taught in schools.

oh charlie, how you rock.

is coffee just too much hassle?

don't worry.
now there's soap.

Friday, December 08, 2006

to be a tall woman

To begin with, to be extra-tall is to be somehow more public than the average woman. Everybody sees me. Strangers on the subway peer upward and tell me about their childhood neighbor who was tall. Fellow grocery shoppers sheepishly request my help procuring items from upper shelves. Male passers-by mutter, "That was one giant woman." Men seem particularly inclined to register one characteristic: tall.

(thanks to jess of the f-word. story originally from feministing)

if you're going to whine, at least make it interesting

a chorus of british complaints, devised by two scandinavian artists and sung by a birmingham choir. you can see the video on youtube.

a choir from helsinki has also picked up the ball and run with it.

(found via plan b)

barbelith debates belief stereo

head shop channel
temple channel

both are worth a read, as they are debating one of the major issues of contemporary times from quite different angles.

some other spots on that board are of interest too;

richard dawkins - discussion on richard dawkins new foundation for reason and science.
where do we get our values from now? - If one does not believe in 1 or more transcendental god/dess((e)s), is a materialist, and a post-modernist (as in "there are no privileged narratives that substantiate universal moral or epistemic claims), how do we justify our moral values?
an atheist manifesto - on the text of a manifesto by sam harris, a stanford philosophy graduate and writer who published 'end of faith'
'fictional' vs. 'real' magic - can gandalf teach us anything? is the corpus hermeticum a work of fiction? is it valuable to distinguish fiction and fact?
richard dawkins is a fox - a lighter take on everyone's favourite vitriolic atheist.
raising children as atheists - an older discussion on the ethics of passing on your world view

and finally;

god is imaginary - an atheist aggresively attacks the faith of some very intelligent people, and a discussion arises despite the inauspicious start..

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

realistic internet simulator

i thought the simulation's setup felt a little dated, but it was certainly accurate.

Monday, December 04, 2006

nobody's perfect

and we shouldn't be fooled into thinking they are.
(found all over the web.)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

all you need to know

(thank you mr. sizemore and thank your filthy flickr.)


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