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Saturday, February 17, 2007

some folks, eh? kill'em all, i say.

antonine plato 'thinks' a cull of the ned population is in order, ostensibly so that nobody kills anymore deer.
well, as solutions go, it's certainly fairly final.
of course, he's sure to only be talking about the ones who are actually killing deer, yeah? as you can clearly see from the photograph he uses to describe the stereotype he hates and blames for... wait, is this reallyabout deer?

prejudice is ugly, plato. you and all the other people who can tell who should be killed by looking at them are bigots, plain and simple.
but of course, you only hate the ones who do the bad things. so, can you prove that the kids in the picture are criminals, or were you engaged in defamation of their character based on their appearance?

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Blogger Antonine Plato said...

Are you related to Rosie Kane by any chance?

20 March, 2007 12:10

Blogger Dalai Dahmer said...

rosie kane?
no, why?
did she identify your bigotry before me? does my picture look like her?

oh, wait!
this is one of those pale attempts at character assassination by proxy!
if you can 'prove' i'm one of 'those', then you can dismiss what i'm saying as 'one of those things they say!

well, sure.
that can work.
and here's the thing.
it only works to make you feel better about your bigotry, antonine.
it doesn't actually address the issue in any way, nor does it do anything to discredit my opinion with anyone of anything above cretinous intelligence.

you, my friend, are a bigot.
perhaps you could read my post again, and then tell me where i was unclear.

i have accused you as openly as you revealed your bigoted tendency.
if you want to criticise how i assessed the situation, feel free.
exercise your freedom of speech, and all that.
you may comment here as long as you steer clear of any hatespeech, and you can, of course, say what you like on your own blog.
you might like to exercise your right to expression to tell me how rosie has anything to do with my assessment of your behaviour.
that's my assessment, and your behaviour.
where does rosie even come into it?

do you think you are clever, antonine?
i get the distinct feeling you do.

perhaps at some point in the near future you might actually do something to prove that to someone other than yourself.

23 March, 2007 17:58


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