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Saturday, August 05, 2006

i love israel! and i hate muslims!

but wait!
there's more!
i'm so much edgier than that!
check me and my racism, expressed the medium of misogyny!
some people are just so dedicated to making the world a better place it blows my fucking mind.


Blogger bernie said...

Racism is when one believes his particular race superior to others. I never said anything against Arabs, only Muslims.

The word should be bigot. However even bigot means intolerant of others who differ because of religion, politics, etc.

I am not intolerant of Muslims because they are different than me, I am intolerant of Muslims because they want to take over the world.

Or do you not believe there is a Muslim problem out there?

By the way, I even heard a building in New York went down with many deaths alleged to have been committed by Muslim men. Hear anything about that?

It's not paranoia when they really are out to get you.

05 August, 2006 16:24

Blogger Dalai Dahmer said...

from wiki on race:
The term race distinguishes one population of an animal species (including human) from another of the same species.

distinguishes one population...from another

so, yeah, i think conventional wisdom reckons muslims can be defined as a race, at least enough that i can call you a racist for demonising them all as "out to get you".
but hey.
you can be a bigot instead, if you like.
i mean, i don't much care for bigots either, and you are clearly happy to define yourself as one.

when you say I am not intolerant of Muslims because they are different than me, I am intolerant of Muslims because they want to take over the world.
and claim that this is a basis for not being a bigot, it makes me laugh. out loud even.
you are intolerant of muslims you say? and this is because muslims want to take over the world, you say? so what about the ones who don't? or do you think they all do?
categorising an entire religious group as being of one mind, especially of one murderous mind, is pretty much the definition of bigotted.

you are othering the muslim population on the basis of their beliefs. to you they are a 'them', not at all like your 'us'.
the fact that some muslims have committed atrocities for a cause does not mean that they all want to, or that they all support those actions. the fact that americans have done so does not make all americans murderous fiends either.

your inability to process this kind of logic is why you are a bigot(i hope it is inability, because a lack of willing would be so much worse).

it is nonsense to say that all of a group are murderous because a section of that group are murderers, and it is bigoted nonsense.

and no, i don't belive we have a muslim problem. i believe we have an idiots-with-an-arsenal problem, and i hope that no one adds to it by giving you access to weaponry.

the very notion that we have a muslim problem rather than a violent idiots problem is the sort of thing a bigot would suggest.
the very notion that muslims are out to take over the world is risible. some may be. some american neocons definitely are too, as are perhaps some israelis, some british folks and probably some italians and some sudanese people.

the idea that you can say "muslims are..." anything that isnt related directly to their religious practice(and even then, practices differ massively) is bigotry.

you, my friend, are clearly a fucking bigot. you arent even a very clever one, as you gave me the means to discern same in your own claim that you are not a bigot.

you halfwit.

30 January, 2007 13:42


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