so i'm just back from edinburgh today.
i went to the
alternative summit and the rally to eradicate poverty, and i have to say i was alittle disappointed.
as far as alternatives go, we heard close to none.
i missed a few interesting speakers, most notably the guys from
neteuri karta international, but i still feel like there was a little someting lacking.
everyone seemed to have a problem posing solutuions, perhaps for obvious reasons.
it is so much easier to talk shit about something so demonstrably undemocratic as the g8 that it is to propose workable solutions that a ragtag bunch of protestors can agree on.
no one putting forward ideas at a debate leads to an extremely boring debate, and it seemed to me like there was a lot of that going on.
of the people i saw, only
monbiot actually made any suggestions as to first steps and even then only when pushed.
limiting yourself to condemnation does grant you a larger audience share, but it seems kinda useless.
still, at least we have
the clowns.

ah, the clowns.